Hoy quería hablaros de dos cosillas, la primera, es que recientemente ha comenzado la nueva saga del lado mas verde de DC, y no, no es el canalillo de Powergirl (tuntún.. chssss), es LA GUERRA DE LOS GREEN LANTERN, y es… bueno, otra excusa mas para liarse a tortas entre los diferentes coprs, esta vez entre los verdes, se ve que se han cansado del fuelle de los lanterns de colores pelándose.

La segunda cosa que quiero contaros, es que como ya sabéis, e estado jugando con los promarkers, y al mismo tiempo muy involucrado en las páginas del comic, así que eso me quita tiempo para casi todo, por lo que, visitando algunos blogs de otros artistas, tuve una idea. Voy a postear CADA DÍA un nuevo sketch. Para ello, cada día buscaré de diferentes formas personajes de comic, de diferentes formas, para asegurarme el factor “azar”. (Se aceptan sugerencias). ¡Espero que los disfrutéis, y que poco a poco me haga mejor con estos rotuladores! ¡Hoy para empezar: “Pájaro Burlón”!
Y con esto y un bizcocho, Buen fin de semana a tod@s!
Today I wanted to talk about two things, the first one is that i am Reading the new event for the Greenest side of the DC universe, and no, I am not talking about Miss Martina Butt (tu-tum chssss) I am talking about “War of the Green Lanterns”, and it is… well a new excuse to get lanterns fighting each other, it is obvious that the seven corps fighting each other is a thing from the past, and now they need something “new”.
All this war is situated when the emotion avatars are been collecting by a well knowed villain from Dc Space universe, when Kyle, John and Soranik are fighting the weaponers of qward (yeah, THAT Qward) and while the white lantern power battery is looking for the worthy owner of the live power… and now, this. To be honest it starts hard, thing get hard, and some bearer will loose their rings, some rings will loose their bearers, but… and I am been good with that (all that is possible), where is all this going? Where to next?, recently DC and Marvel are focusing their series like a unstoppable train to the event of the year, but I see no connection with FLASHPOINT, so.. where is this war of the green lanterns thing going? And please god, don let it be a new Crisis, because I don’t even understand what the last one was about!
The second thing, as you can see, I been kind busy of drawings with my comic book project, so I wanted to do something to keep showing you my work, and thinking about it, I get a new idea, visiting other artist blogs.
I wanted to upgrade my promarkers skills, so to do that, I am gonna post a new Sketch EVERY DAY! Searching the characters with random choices (ideas are welcome) I really hope you enjoy them, and why not, I hope my skills with the promarkers get better too! Today for starters: “Mockingbird”!.
And thats all till next sunday!, Have a nice weekend people!
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